GST eWay Bill is a document for tracking of goods in transit introduced under the Goods and Services Tax. Under GST, a taxable person registered under GST transporting goods with a value of over Rs.50,000 is required to possess an eWay Bill generated from the GST Portal. LEDGERS can make eWay Bill generation and management simple for your business. The LEDGERS eWay Bill tool is synced to GST invoices, bill of supply, purchase invoices and customer or supplier accounts. So you can now seamlessly at the click of a button generate eWay Bill and share with your customers or suppliers.
GST eWay bill is required for the following cases wherein a person having GST registration is causing movement of goods:
1. If a taxable person under GST supplies any goods and the value of the consignment is over Rs.50,000,
a GST EWay Bill would have to be generated.
2. If a taxable person under GST transfers goods located in one godown to another and the value of the consignment is over Rs.50,000,
a GST EWay Bill need to be generated.
3. If a taxable person under GST purchases any goods from an unregistered person under GST and the value of the consignment
is over Rs.50,000 a GST EWay Bill should be generated.
GST EWay Bill can be generated LEDGERS users directly. Prior to using LEDGERS for eWay Bill generation, ensure that
API access is enabled on the GST Portal for eWay bill generation and management.
Once API access is enabled and GST eWay Bill module is activated, you can generate eWay Bill by
accessing GST -> Create eWay Bill. Data of customers or suppliers and existing invoices or bill of supply can be
quickly retrieved while creating a GST eWay Bill using LEDGERS, making the process extremely simple and easy to use.
Once, an eWay Bill is generated, theperson in-charge of conveyance of goods is required to carry the following documents
for inspection by authorities at any time:
1. Invoice or bill of supply or delivery challan and invoice reference number from the GST common portal,
obtained by uploading a copy of the GST tax invoice issued in FORM GST INV-1.
2. Copy of the e-way bill or the e-way bill number, either physically or mapped to a Radio
Frequency Identification Device (RFID) embedded on to the vehicle.
If a taxable person is registered under GST wants to transport goods using own vehicle or hired
vehicle as a supplier or to be received in the course of business as a recipient, the taxable person
can generate a EWay Bill in Form GST INS-1
electronically on the GST Common Portal by providing information requested in Part B of FORM GST INS-01.
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